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Early Start Approval for Lithium Converter in Guben

Guben, Germany

Rock Tech has recently received approval for an early start to the construction of its lithium converter in Guben, Germany from the responsible Brandenburg State Office for the Environment. From 2025, the Guben Converter is expected to produce around 24,000 tonnes of battery-grade lithium hydroxide. Rock Tech plans to start initial work on the project, with an estimated cost of USD 683 million, on its own property on the industrial park in Guben in the upcoming weeks.

Rock Tech applied for the first partial permit and approval for early start in February 2022. In the course of the application procedure, which involved public participation, no objections were received under approval regulations. Rock Tech considers this to be a positive indication of support for the construction of the Guben Converter and at the same time appreciates the efficient and transparent cooperation with the authorities.

„Our converter will be one of the first of its kind in Europe. The production of our battery-grade lithium hydroxide will be an essential part of the battery mineral supply chains in Europe – this is another reason why the approval by the authority is an important step towards implementation and sends a clear signal to the market,“ adds Klaus Schmitz, Rock Tech’s Chief Operating Officer.

The approval for an early start is also an encouraging indicator that permission for construction of the Guben Converter will be granted in due course. In November, Rock Tech has submitted the second and final tranche of permit applications for this to the authority. Approval for construction of the Guben Converter is expected from summer 2023 onwards.

To date, more than 250,000 working hours and over USD 37 million have been directly invested by Rock Tech in the planning the design and construction of the Guben Converter. With the early start permission, necessary groundwork as well as the construction of roads, office and storage buildings can begin.

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